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Our Tokens are the perfect solution to keep track of key abilities during your 4th edition games. Made from high-quality materials, these tokens are durable and easy to use. Say goodbye to messy pencil marks, confusing notes or dice, and say hello to simpler, more organized gameplay with our Tokens.
This 2 colour acrylic is 1.5mm thick and is available in 13 colours.
There is an option to purchase an MDF storage tray for these tokens at an additional cost.
This set contains a total of 50 Tokens (roughly 32mm in size):
Army Abilities:
- Euphoric: Crit 2 Hits, run & shoot and/or charge (x3)
Formation Abilities:
Hero Traits
- Glory: Gain Euphoric for the battle if you destroy an enemy Hero
- Euphoric Glory: Crit 2 Hits, run & shoot and/or charge
- Alone: +1 to hit & wound while more than 6” from friendly models
- Fray: Unmodified 8+ charge rolls give strikes first
- Fray: Strikes first
- Icon Available: Once per battle, in any combat phase, give a non-hero until wholly within 12” +1 attacks
- Icon: +1 attacks (not pictured)
- Voice Box Available: Once per battle, in any combat phase, -1 attacks to all enemies in combat with this Hero
- Pendant: End of turn Heal 3 if suffered any DMG
Spells & Manifestations
- Sadistic: Crit Mortals instead of Crit 2 Hits (x3)
- Acquiescence: +1 to wound vs unit
- Phantasmagoria: When this unit uses a fight ability choose a friendly unit in combat to move 2D3”
- Refine: +1 to wound vs Heroes & +1 save vs Heroes
- Doubt: +1 to hit & wound with melee vs unit
- Subvert: Cannot use commands
- Famishment: Halve move, run & charges
Army Abilities
- Excess: Fight again but fights last
- Temptation: +1 to hit but +1 DMG with Greatblade vs unit
- Temptation: +1 save but +1 DMG with Greatblade vs unit
- Temptation: +1 DMG with Greatblade vs unit
- Enthralling: -1 to wound
- Violence: +1 attacks (x3)
- Battle Fury: +1 attacks
- Symbiosis: Can duplicate use of All-out Attack/Defence (x2)
- Swallow: +1 Power Level
- Staff: +3 Attacks
- Soulscent: 5+ Ward
- Soulgorgers: +1 attacks (including companions) (x3)
- Musk: Strikes last
- Accept Challenge: Strikes first but must target Hubris Lord
- Decline Challenge: Strikes last
- Only the Best: 4+ Inflict 1 Mortal on death
- Mirror: -1 save
- Lurkers: Can use Claws attack profile
- Flensing: Strikes last
- Gaze: +1 attacks
- Conduit: +1 to wound in melee
- Conduit: +1 to run & charge
- Conduit: +1 to cast & unbind
The photos are of the finished product and they have been designed to be as clear as possible. No clean-up such as removing plastic backing or painting the engraved parts of the tokens is required.
- Neodymium magnets can be harmful if inhaled or swallowed so please store them safely out of reach of children.
- If you allow neodymium magnets to crash together or into metal objects the force may shatter them. Please take care handling them.
Pro Painted Studios products are not affiliated with or endorsed by Games Workshop Limited.