Pro Painted Studios was founded to help wargamers track a multitude of different in-game effects with clarity and style. More products will be added regularly.
Remember to get in contact by emailing us at propaintedstudios@gmail.com to discuss customizing any of our products.
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40k Sci-Fi Factions
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Beast-Wranglers - Campaign Map →
Welcome to the campaign map page for the Beast-Wranglers Path to Glory Campaign! This page will be updated weekly as territories are fought over, claimed & lost! Week 1 Week...

40K Crusade - The Neltharion Schism - Narrative Campaign - Chapter 1 →
The Neltharion Schism Welcome to the very first Blog Post covering a 40k Crusade ‘gathering’ I have named The Neltharion Schism. This is not a true campaign, or ‘tale of...

How to: Magnetic MDF Bases →
To go alongside our newly released Magnetised MDF bases this guide will help you get the most from the product with a few tips and a walk-through of how I...