From Ember to Inferno 2 - Month 2 - Aaron Bailey

Disciples of Tzeentch - Month  Two

Hey again everyone!

For my second month instalment I had originally planned 6 skyfires, but upon seeing the new Slaves to Darkness models at an event I decided to buy them right there and then, and so instead I added 10 Warriors of Chaos and a Magister on Disc this month.

I also wasn’t completely sold on the basing technique I used on month one so I have decided to rebase in a new style which complements the colour scheme in a much more natural way and doesn’t detract attention from the models themselves.

This month, for self motivation reasons I was really keen to get the models finished to a really nice standard and I am really really happy with how they turned out!

I’ll point out the couple of minor conversions to add a musician and Standard bearer to the unit and the freehand banner in particular.


Month 1

Tzaangor Shaman - 150

10 Pink Horrors - 200

10 Kairic Acolytes - 100

Month 2

10 Chaos Warriors - 200

Magister on Disc of Tzeentch - 140

Total = 790

Having these models completely finished has given me a real drive to catch up with the other guys for the tale, and I should be back with another blog post before long with the 6 skyfires currently on my painting desk all finished.

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  • Matthew Darkins on

    These look stunning dude

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