A big part of Paul's FETI2 commitment this time around is the display board, which it has been great to see come together. However, we are now at a stage where we can start seeing how his actual army looks; of which I really like his sand basing - Matt
Clan Moulder - Month Three
So Month 3 has mostly been prep work for the display board.
Having cut the main sections out, I have now had to add the tiles and filler to inset the bases. This is the 'What have I done!" stage of the project. Everything looks so messy, and its hard to see the final stage. Luckily this isn't my first rodeo, so the panic has not set in (yet!).
Despite the focus on my display board, I have finished 2 Abominations with my new basing, and some better shots on the models on the MDF cut-outs for the tiled sewer portions that Matt printed for me; the army is shaping up nicely!
Month 3 hobby:
Hellpit Abomination - 240
Hellpit Abomination - 240
Total - 480